Pushing Comfort Zones: some early adventures

Pushing Comfort Zones: Our Early Adventures
Early in a relationship, it’s easy to convince your partner to try new things. One weekend, I decided to really push David’s comfort zone with a trio of firsts: a weekend camping trip at Lake McMurtry, a trail race, and Indian food from my favorite local fusion spot.
Before leaving Tulsa, David mentioned he was hungry and wanted to try something “different.” Naturally, I saw this as the perfect opportunity to introduce him to Indian food. We popped into Desi Wok, and I asked if he trusted me to order. With full confidence, I got Lamb Tikka Masala and Garlic Naan.
When the food arrived, David took one look at the dish and said it reminded him of something Philly (his boxer) might expel. After some convincing, he finally gave it a shot. To his surprise (but not mine), he loved it. In fact, Lamb Tikka Masala has become one of his favorites over the years. Though to this day, I don’t dare tell him exactly what’s in it.
Once we arrived at our campsite in Stillwater, the sun had already set. David’s first question: “How do we set up the tent?” My response: “You hold the flashlight and the dog.” I hadn’t realized camping wasn’t his thing. Still, I set to work pitching the tent and making it cozy for us. That night, a mid-continent monsoon rolled in, but thankfully, the tent kept us dry.
The next day was David’s first—and last—trail race.